Donate to Crosscut

Supporting Crosscut helps us support a thriving community

Our nonprofit organization was born out of a dream to share a love of nature, outdoor recreation and community.

Help us foster healthy lifestyles, empower youth and put smiles on faces for generations to come.


Other ways to support us

Crosscut Stewardship

Your monthly donation of $20 or more helps us bridge the gap between what we charge for programs and passes and what it takes to deliver our high-quality programs and maintain fantastic year-round trails.



You can help us ensure that Bozeman’s outdoor community has a place to enjoy for generations to come by including Crosscut in your personal estate planning. You may also receive tax credits for doing so.

The Montana Endowment Tax Credit allows charitable donors to pay less in Montana state income tax when they make a qualifying planned gift to a qualified Montana charitable endowment.

The incentive is 40 percent of the gift’s federal charitable deduction, up to a $10,000 tax credit, per year, per individual, and a credit of 20 percent of a direct gift by a qualified business, up to $10,000 per year.

If you would like to learn more about setting up an endowment to support the mission of Crosscut Sports Center (and to save money on your taxes), contact today.


Donor Advised Fund

Email to donate through your DAF.

Crosscut Mountain Sports Center is a Guidestar-verified 501c3. Your financial donation is tax-deductible. Our EIN number is 81-1818317.


Your support matters. Thank you.

Our nonprofit is deeply grateful for the diversity of generous support we receive. Thank you for giving back to this community. Crosscut’s EIN is 81-1818317.